What should your attitude be towards a recession?

What should your attitude be towards a recession?

Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, once taught a remarkable lesson about the correlation between financial prospects and attitude in times of a depressed economy. In the face of perceived economic doom and gloom, should we surrender to despair, or do we dare to be optimistic? This brings to mind…

My Perspective on Wealth Building: All That I Know and All that you need to know about wealth accumulation

My Perspective on Wealth Building: All That I Know and All that you need to know about wealth accumulation

Disclaimer: I am not worth $1m yet neither do I have $100,000 liquid cash stashed somewhere. However this is an attempt to document what I have learnt so far on my pursuit and what drives my actions on the journey. So if you think you don’t want to take wealth advice from those who haven’t…